Sugar Freedom Challenge Program

Join us for the
6 Week Sugar Freedom Challenge!

Take Control of Your Sugar Cravings, Own a Body You Love, and Feel AMAZING and BALANCED!

Do you struggle with…

  • Stubborn Belly Weight

  • Relentless Cravings

  • Drowsiness and Fatigue

  • Caffeine Addiction

  • Mood Swings

  • Anxiety

  • Brain Fog

  • Premature aging

These are all signs your blood sugar may need some attention!

Join us for 6 weeks of dedicated coaching support as we guide you through getting rid of your sugar cravings, and help you get back in touch with your body,
so you feel and look as amazing as you truly are!

You'll discover how to:

  • Create a daily schedule that sets you up for health and real balance in every area of your life!

  • Rid your body of toxins that wreak havoc on your body so you can thrive.

  • Eat the right foods that love your body back.

  • Identify the hidden sugars in your everyday foods.

  • Get control of the cravings and the sugar highs and lows.

  • Feel better in your body and have more energy!

Join Certified Health Coaches Tina Duffy & Sharan Kafoa, for 6 weeks of guidance, coaching, accountability, detoxification and complete revitalization.

Ready to THRIVE and say HELLO to a healthy balanced body? Fill out the below to save your seat!



“I had the pleasure of participating in a six-week sugar detox program lead by Tina and her partner Sharan. I have known Tina for decades and knew she had the perfect skill set for health coaching but I had never worked with her in this capacity. I have always been interested in fitness and nutrition and was looking for ways to curb my sugar cravings. I didn’t plan to completely remove sugar from my life but to reduce its control over me. I’m one of those people that will bypass nutritious foods and eat a light meal to make room for chocolate and ice cream!

The program contains many resources to include reading materials, a comprehensive workbook, weekly Zoom meetings with both coaches and the program participants, recipes and educational emails. The coaches were ALWAYS available for questions, guidance and motivation. Their approach was professional but also lighthearted and non-judgmental. They never preached to the group and in fact struggle with many of the same sugar issues as the rest of us. I learned a great deal and incorporated small changes in my daily life that I will continue to rely on in the future. I highly recommend this program!”

— Beth N.

Tina and Sharon are two of the most passionate and driven health coaches I know. They pour their heart and soul into creating programs of value for their clients and I was lucky enough to be one of them in their sugar detox. They have a way of making people feel comfortable and opening up about their struggles with food, wellness and health. They listen attentively and offer creative solutions to ones unique problem. Their sugar detox was beneficial to me and gave me knowledge and power | didn't know I needed so I can feel empowered to make healthier choices surrounding consuming sugar. For that I thank both of them.

-Kellie H.

“For the past 6 weeks, I have participated in the Sugar Detox Program. It has been a positive experience due to many reasons: the health coaches Tina and Sharan, the workbook and the group Zoom meetings. It has been a successful 6 weeks for myself and my husband. I feel our success has been due in a large part to our health coaches, Tina and Sharan. If you are struggling with eliminating sugar from your life, the 6 week Sugar Detox program is for you!”

— Prudence H.

I had really been struggling. The daily grind was getting to me. I was stressed all the time had no energy and always felt I was running to catch up. Working with Tina and Sharan was a godsend. I started with a sugar detox which was difficult but Tina and Sharan were always there for support. They helped me first with my diet. Then with their encouragement I began an exercise routine. It's really become a lifestyle. I eat healthier drink less, exercise more and have energy to be a better mom and wife which makes me feel great. Thank you Tina and Sharan, for helping me get myself back on track.

-Melissa M.

When Tina asked my to be a part of the 1 mo. sugar detox challenge I had no idea the impact it would have.

The sugar detox was a welcome hiatus from my normal eating patterns I had become accustom to. Tina was enthusiaticlly committed to the cause and showed a genuine interest in my success. She skillfully guided me through the 30 day journey providing regular daily motivation and information. From helpful recipes to thoughtful techniques. Tina also utilized the groups shared experience to leverage her impact, through weekly group meetings. This aspect of the detox, for me was most critical. She assigned all of us partners in the group, this helped keep me accountable through the challenge. In the end I adopted new habits and learned helpful tools that I will take with me.

Tina’s professionalism and commitment made this possible. I would strongly recommend the sugar detox for anyone looking to make a positive Change in their life. You can not LOSE!!!

-Ian I.

“What a wonderful experience to connect with so many different people from different places, all with similar goals. Sharan is an amazing leader and practices what she preaches. If you are looking to learn about how sugar can disrupt your everyday and find balance in your life I highly encourage trusting Sharan to guide you on your journey.”

— Keith D.

I participated in a 30 day sugar challenge run by Tina.  It was an incredible experience for all who participated.

Tina’s knowledge, compassion, and guidance created an environment where we were able to reflect and grow to become the best versions of ourselves.

Tina is extremely passionate about helping others and this is what makes working with her so enjoyable. She would constantly deliver resourceful information while making herself 100 percent available.  

She really takes the time to listen extensively to her clients and customize an approach completely catered to them.   

Everyone knows there are aspects of their lives that can be improved upon.  Tina is one of the few that can take her tremendous knowledge and deliver it in way that makes immediate change in  a very efficient way.

I can’t recommend Tina highly enough if your looking to dramatically improve in any area of your life.

-Robert A.

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