Business Coaching for Health Coaches

For certified health coaches needing some extra guidance and support on their journey towards being a successful health coach.

What is business coaching for health coaches?

A coaching program for health coaches who feel stuck, lost, and confused with taking steps towards creating a profitable business.

  • After receiving your certification, it is common to feel lost and directionless with how to actually start a profitable health coaching business. When working with me, you are committing to putting in the effort and time to really make your dreams a reality.

  • It’s important to work through any mental barriers or thoughts that are preventing you from putting yourself out there to your fullest ability.

  • In order to achieve success, its essential to write out your goals and vision for your business. Using this as a blue print, you and I will work hand and hand to create an actionable plan accompanied by accountability as well as emotional and technical support.

Here’s how it works…

  • 1. Get clear on your goals

    Through 1:1 sessions, you and I will discuss your dreams and desires when it comes to your health coaching business. By looking at your strengths and weaknesses, we will decide where it is you need support on.

  • 2. Build a personalized plan

    Based off of these discussions, you and I will build an action based plan for you to put into practice in your every day life. My approach to goal achievement is by taking small, yet impactful changes over time. Small habit changes are the secret to building your desired future. I will challenge to leave your comfort zone and start taking inspired action towards your goals.

  • 3. Take action and and achieve your goals

    Once you feel the power of support and accountability, you will begin to take action like never before. I will be following up with you through text and bi-weekly session to check in, cheer you on, and support you when needed. I will also be providing you with the education, knowledge, and resources to successfully set up your business.




  • Weekly zoom calls (8 total)

  • Weekly text support and accountability

  • Access to my top coaching resources

  • Help support with exploring

    • Finding your niche target market

    • Help navigating social media

    • Planning workshops for your coaching business

  • Ideas for your website

  • Action based exercises to work toward your goals

  • Role playing on Zoom calls to increase confidence with sales and discovery calls


What people are saying…

  • Nicole C.

    Tina is an incredible business/health coach. From the first time talking to her, I felt this immediate connection with her. The amount of genuine passion she has for what she does was one of the first things I noticed about her. She truly cares about her clients and wants to see them achieve all of their goals as a health coach.

    As a successful health coach and past business owner herself, she knows exactly what to teach to inexperienced health coaches like myself.

    Prior to working with Tina, I had never had a health coaching client. I was always too timid to actually follow through with setting up my business, while also struggling with a bit of imposter syndrome. At the time, I had deep rooted belief's that I was not good enough to be a health coach.

    Sessions with Tina are what allowed me to break out of all of these limiting beliefs. She has such a gentle yet powerful way about her that really makes you rethink anything that is holding you back from being who you truly wish to be as a coach. She plays an incredible role as your guide on the side, teaching you the necessary ropes while allowing yourself to have your own realizations and break throughs.

    Tina not only helped me with mental barriers but also the technical parts. She kept me accountable for making sure I was staying on top of my business goals like setting up my website, posting to my instagram and reaching out to potential clients.

    At the end of our few months working together, I had achieved more than I had in the past year. I set up my website, defined my messaging and branding, gained about 700 followers on instagram, created a program outline, and even signed my first client. I can not say enough about how incredible Tina is. She would encourage me with the nicest texts and even sent me a few books in the mail.

    If you have the chance to work with Tina, TAKE IT! She will completely change your life, your mindset, and your approach to health coaching in the most positive way possible.

  • Danielle M.

    When I finished schooling with IIN, I was all over the place and not sure where to focus. I wanted to work with a coach for my business but one that was familiar with the health coaching field. That is when I became connected with Tina, she was the lifeline I had been looking for. She was able to take my million ideas and assist me in drilling down to what I really wanted to focus on with my clients. I am one that needs someone to nudge me along especially since I already have a full time job and family. She consistently reminded me that my business will happen, but I needed to patient and not to overextend myself. With her knowledge and guidance, I am running a virtual weight loss group, I am in the process of getting a teen program together for young girls and I am working with a holistic shop so that I can begin offering my services at their location. I feel I have a realistic outline for the year ahead so that I can continue to grow my brand. Not only has Tina assisted me in my personal business she has also introduced me to incredible group of women who are either veterans in the field of Health coaching or just getting started themselves. I would recommend Tina and her services to anyone looking for help, she is also very understanding of life and was able to accommodate my needs when life happened. I am blessed to say I made a friend along the way too.