
Reimagine, Reinvent, Retrain

A Support Group and Coaching Program all about Brain Health

For the ones who are ready to learn how to protect their brain…


I am offering Personalized Brain Assessments. Gain deep insights into your unique brain function through these assessments.

Now is the perfect time to invest in your cognitive well-being.You can make huge changes to your brain by taking small steps.

The My brain health program will cover maintaining a healthy brain as you age, improving your memory, reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s ad Dementia, boosting your focus and managing stress and anxiety.

Join me for a 6 week, transformative journey…

and finally receive the support, guidance, and educations as you place yourself on a path of retraining your brain.

  • Learn a long term approach, from evidence based strategies from Dr. Daniel Amen.

  • Understand how diet influences brain health and receive dietary recommendations and resources to help you live a healthier life.

  • Personalized Brain Assessments: Gain deep insights into your unique brain function through brain assessments.

  • Access a range of cognitive exercises and techniques to enhance your memory, focus and overall brain function.

  • I will be there to guide you through your journey, answer questions, and make adjustments as needed.

  • Learn about lifestyle modifications, stress management, and sleep optimization to support your cognitive vitality.

  • Develop a sense of peace and happiness towards yourself and your life.

Program Details


When & Where

  • All group meetings will be held on zoom. There are a total of 6 weekly calls.

What’s Included

  • 6x group health coaching calls (75 minutes each)

  • 1x one on one calls

    • One on one calls are an opportunity for you and I to create a personalized strategy for you to achieve your goals.

  • Access to my top resources and tools

  • Weekly text support

  • Private Facebook group


What you’ll get out of the program…

  • Establish personalized goals based on individual assessments.

  • A supportive and loving community of like-minded people are all striving for similar goals with Brain Health and lifestyle changes.

  • Accountability and support as you take action towards your goals and desires.

  • New knowledge, information, and resources that will change your entire perspective and approach to Brain Health. Stay updated on the lashes research in Brain Health.

  • We will address specific challenges and obstacles and help to guide you to work through these challenges and obstacles.

  • Foster intrinsic motivation and drive for lasting behavioral change.

The key to lasting changes for your brain starts with the small changes that you make today!

What is group health coaching?

Group health coaching is designed to give you the power of coaching and accountability combined with the energy and love of a supportive community.

  • You will be placed in a group of 4-8 women all working towards achieving similar goals with their weight loss journey.

  • Each and every member of the program will be coached and supported with their goals by not only I, but with the support of the group.

  • The power of community is unmatched. Once you feel the energy and love from the rest of the members, you will begin taking action like never before.

  • Group coaching is an opportunity for those who would like to create bonds and relationships while they work towards achieving change.

  • Sometimes the weight loss journey can feel lonely, joining our weight loss support group will give you an opportunity to feel new levels of love and support.

  • I will provide space for each member to share their goals and progress with their journey while also providing valuable, health focused, information through each session.

  • If you prefer to just listen, you a free to do so. Choosing to share and engage is completely optional!

What people are saying…

  • Lauren S.

    Seven months ago, a friend referred me to Tina for group health coaching, and Tina has been so helpful with making positive lifestyle changes. Tina has helped me set diet and health goals and provided realistic strategies for meeting those goals in my daily life. Through her coaching, my eating habits have greatly improved, I have eliminated soda and sugary drinks from my diet, and I am handling stress better by employing techniques that I learned from Tina. I was also encouraged to try many new foods and recipes that I wouldn't have tried otherwise. She is so knowledgable, encouraging and eager to share her wisdom and passion with others. I would recommend Tina's health coaching services to anyone looking to improve their health and well-being!

  • Debbie C.

    I love working out, yet I started to become inconsistent with my exercising. Life got crazy, but I certainly know that when I get in a nonstop overly stressful mode, being inconsistent is not healthy at all. Tina who is so encouraging, warm and non-judgmental, listened to my concerns about how I was cutting down on my self-care. She came up with a few simple solutions to help me meet my goals. I still get the triggers that were making me freeze, but I work through them. It makes it easier because she didn't tell me what to do, she gave me suggestions and I knew I had a partner in helping me achieve my goals. She challenged me in such a productive way. Thank you Tina! I would recommend you to anyone!!

  • Erin M.

    Tina is an amazing coach! She taught me so much about how to care for my body as a whole , and maintain the changes I needed in order to live a healthier life. I learned how to heal my body through a wholesome diet by "crowing out" the harmful foods. Tina showed me how to be gentler to myself throughout the sugar-detox transition, and reminded me that every day is a new day! I can't thank her enough for being available when I needed support, while she talked me through the challenges I faced, and offered resources so I could educate myself as well. The skills I've learned will be with me for the rest of my life.

  • Brenda P.

    My first experience with Tina was truly life changing. I have struggled with a Sugar Addiction. Primarily, I was drinking up to 3 cans of soda a day (on a stressful day). Tina gave me a safe and comfortable room to open up and lay my emotions and heart on the table. With her encouragement and having a "call me anytime" policy, I was successful. I no longer have the need for a sugary drink. She helped me achieve success overcoming a 40 year habit. She has truly found her path and is an amazing person and coach. She coaches from her heart, setting her apart. I started with doing one on one session and continued on and joined a group (with amazing women) that she coaches. She truly is inspired to help everyone she meets.

  • Amy M.

    I have had the pleasure of working with Tina for several years and aside from having a great breadth of knowledge in her field, her attention to detail has never been compromised. She is committed to providing her clients with the ongoing support required in order for them to meet or in my case, exceed their personal health and fitness goals. Tina's approach in getting to know her clients on a personal level and her ability to understand the importance of holding her clients accountable so that they set realistic and achievable goals is what separates Tina from her colleagues. She has a vested interest in the success of her clients and she is there to hold your hand every step of the way if needed. I had a goal to lose 20 pounds and I lost more than that thanks to the steps, systems and strategies that Tina shared with me. They are easy to incorporate into your day to day lifestyle so that you don't feel overwhelmed with the changes taking place. She is among the most highly skilled in developing relationships and she takes the time to understand her clients needs and wants. Tina is an articulate and polished professional and I look forward to continuing to work with her. Thank you Tina!

  • Randi P.

    I have know Tina since college and have always admired how loving and generous a person she is. She has always cared so much about others and has been such an incredible friend not just to me, but to everyone she meets. Tina also lives and breathes health and wellness and has lived this way for many years. She is so knowledgeable about everything related to diet, exercise, and living an overall healthy lifestyle. So that, combined with her kindness, compassion, and the need to help others, makes becoming a health and wellness coach a perfect fit for her. Tina is confident, passionate, energetic, and so easy to talk to making you feel at ease, allowing her to really engage and inspire her clients. Being my health coach over the last six months has changed my life. She is such an amazing motivator who made me feel so comfortable from day one, especially when sharing my personal goals, my fears, and my obstacles with her. She is non-judgmental, gave me such great advice, genuinely caring about me and health goals, and guiding me through overcoming certain difficulties. I have learned so much more about health and wellness with her knowledge and she has helped me figure out how to achieve my fitness goals, to be able to fit them better into my busy schedule. She has coached me to make healthier food choices, explaining along the way the healing properties and the importance of incorporating these different foods and nutrients into my life. She has given me so many suggestions and tips that have helped me so much that I have been able to incorporate them into my daily life. Her constant support has truly helped me to become a happier and healthier person. She is so warm and encouraging which is exactly what anyone needs when attempting to make healthier lifestyle changes. If you are open and willing to make these positive changes in your life, Tina is the one to guide you. She is always available either via text, email, or phone calls anytime for anything. Her optimistic and positive spirit and outlook on all aspects of life is inspiring. I am forever grateful for her.

  • Lisa H.

    When Tina first invited me to participate in her Sugar Detox program, I kinda laughed to myself and said ya right!'s Tina, and I trust she would never steer me wrong...soooo how could I say no? This was a big sacrifice for me because I have a sweet tooth and really enjoy a couple of glasses of wine 3 or 4 days of week. Tina sent me a really awesome cookbook right before we started the program. I think one of the most valuable things about the program was everything I learned through the science based research articles she shared with us each week. These articles and weekly conversations of encouragement with Tina made me realize the impact sugar had on my body. I was really addicted to sugar and when I drank wine the impulse to eat more sugar was much stronger. I was always tired, sluggish, and had to make myself exercise daily. Today, I feel in control, healthier, have more energy...yes MORE energy, and I am thinking more clearly. Tina is so reassuring and has the ability to say just what you needed to hear at the right moments throughout the program. I would highly recommend the Sugar Detox program but would say don't just jump out and try it on your own. Having a Health and Wellness Coach, like Tina, made all the difference in my ability to stick with it. I can now have an occasional glass of wine and have found healthy substitutes that are very satisfying. Another thing I have learned through this program is to be kind to myself, forgiveness is empowering! Losing weight was never my motive but not carrying around 10 extra pounds has just been a bonus. THANK YOU literally have changed my life!